Sunday, November 20, 2011

Revival What?!

I grew up in a culture where Revival was something that happened at least once a year.  Revival is was what the culture we were around called a full week of church services that lasted sometimes two hours a night.  Sometimes they would have guest speakers and music.  As a child, I hated revival because we were expected to sit in the service quietly and listen to what God had to say to us.  Now let's be realistic for a minute...How well do you think that worked out for an ADHD child like me?!?!  "Not too good" is how.  I mean even Jesus had a special way of dealing with children, but the Church of my time didn't see it that way.  As the years went on, the revival sessions became shorter and shorter.  In fairness, the most memorable revival times I remember were the old fashion tent revivals.  In my memory, there were more salvations in those tents than there ever were inside the Church.  Now don't get me wrong, my life changing experience came from a Revival service on February 6th, 2008.  My main point here is that Revival is SO MUCH MORE than a ritual series of services.

So what is Revival?  Our Church, 5Point Church in Easley, SC ( is currently experiencing "Revival".  Our Pastor, Dean Herman ( is leading the charge for Revival in our area.  Last Sunday, there were 46 Salvations and five salvations this morning during the first service alone!!  God is moving, simply because hearts are broken for the lost.  So what do I mean by Revival?  The "Free Dictionary Online" lists the word "revival" as,
re·viv·al  (r-vvl)
a. The act or an instance of reviving.
b. The condition of being revived.
2. A restoration to use, acceptance, activity, or vigor after a period of obscurity or quiescence.
3. A new presentation of an old play, movie, opera, ballet, or similar vehicle.
a. A time of reawakened interest in religion.
b. A meeting or series of meetings for the purpose of reawakening religious faith, often characterized by impassioned preaching and public testimony.
5. Law Renewal of validity or effect, as of a contract or judicial decision.
I think number two would be most applicable to us.  You see, Revival, in my opinion, is the next closest thing to Salvation.  Revival is a life changing experience that should shaken our very foundation.  It should remind us of how comfortable we've become and how awesome of a God we serve!  It should remind us of the love God has for us and cause us to want to share him with everybody!  Revival should remind us of how blessed we are, how much God has given us, and how much we owe him.  Pastor Dean spent a lot of time this morning talking about Saul's (you may know him better as Paul) salvation and everything leading up to that salvation.  Dean reminded all of us that today is the day we should share Christ with others.  He took it a step further and taught the church how to develop and share your testimony.

I wonder, do people see a good reflection of Christ in me?  I think that is the heart of revival; change my heart o God!!!!