Sunday, July 10, 2016

Less Hate; More Love

I have found myself very concerned with the events of the past week across our Nation and I felt led to write a new blog post.  It has been a long time since I have posted anything.  Life is busy and life often distracts us from what is really important.  Today, I want to talk about the most epic threat to our community; hate.

The earliest example of hate is found in Genesis Chapter 4 BibleGateway Genesis Chapter 4 where we read about Cain and Abel.  Cain and Abel where the sons of Adam and Eve; both having jobs supporting the family.  Cain worked the gardens while Abel worked the flocks.  As the Bible tells us, Cain became jealous (a form of hate) of Abel because Abel found favor with the Lord.  Now some would read this and think that God was biased and that he may have like Abel more than he did Cain, at no fault of Cain’s.  At first glance, you may find that both Cain and Abel’s offerings to God were equal.  However, if you study the text in greater depth, you find that Cain’s Offering was out of obligation, and not of honor, or respect to the Lord.  Abel’s Offering was the best he had to offer to the Lord to which the Lord looked upon with “favor”.  There are countless passages throughout the Bible demonstrating such acts where people gave very little, on the service.  However, when you look a little deeper, you find that offering was substantial in that it was all the person had, or that it was of a greater sacrifice by the giver.  “What are you getting at Matthew?”

I’ve often posted that I would love to have been able to sit down with great men of God such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and Dwight L. Moody to simply bask in their relationship with Christ.  The sole purpose in the hearts of these two men were to share the love of Christ with as many people they could.  Yes, Dr. King’s platform was as a civil rights activist, but at his foundation was his love of Christ.  Think about it!  How can you argue equality and ignore love?  The truth is, you cannot and Dr. King understood that.  Unlike Dr. King, D.L. Moody is relatively unknown to many, but he is responsible for leading a young shoe store salesman to Christ who would lead others to Christ.  D.L. Moody’s witness, through these people, would ultimately see Dr. Billy Graham to Christ through Dr. Mordecai Ham.  There is no telling how many people were led to Christ through Billy Graham’s preaching and there is not telling how many people witnessed that same love through Dr. King.  You see, both of these men understood the love of God and that his love was not restricted to a color of skin.  They both understood that Christ came to give us life, and life more abundantly (John 10:10).  By the way, if you study the New Testament, you will find one of the greatest examples of racism ever found; the Jews and the Gentiles.  The Jews did not believe the Gentiles were worthy of God’s salvation and in fact, it was illegal for a Jew to even talk to a Gentile.  There are many references to this racism throughout the New Testament and I could write several posts about this, but the message of Christ was that God loves us all.

Over the last decade, we can see a significant exodus away from the teachings of Christ to various other things, religions, and yes, hate.  Our very foundation as a Nation is one of rebellion which has no choice but to be ingrained who we are as a people.  Some would argue this rebellion breeds the attitude of, “you can’t tell me what to do” and I tend to believe that it does.  However, when we choose to be rebellious, our actions can have disastrous consequences.  Look at 1 Samuel and the story of David and Bathsheba where you will find an excellent example of what I’m talking about.  In my opinion, hate is nothing more than the absence of love and we are witnessing a mass exodus from love across our Nation.

This morning, I read about one of our local Churches experiencing change and losing their pastor.  What is striking to me is that this is front page news with all three of our major TV affiliates, newspapers, and social media alike.  When was the last time those same media outlets issued a Breaking News Alert to tell us about the number of salvations that have occurred at this Church, or to tell us about the hundreds of people who were baptized on a given Sunday?  So why is this breaking news?  Hate.  Most all media outlets (traditional and social) are looking for the highest possible ratings and reach (how many people see a post in social media) and will push stories to achieve higher ratings.  If you don’t believe me, just look at your news feeds on social media.  You will not have to search very far on social media to find hateful words from every side of the political spectrum and most disappointing is the hateful and hurtful words from other church people.  How in the world will people ever see the love of Christ when his own people are spreading hate?

There is hope, but it will be difficult.  There is a solution, but many of you will not be able to follow this solution.  The Bible is very clear in that we are to, “love thy neighbor as thyself”, second only to loving the Lord.  If you are going to love each other, then we are going to have to stop reading and sharing hateful posts.  So, stop reading and sharing their posts and tell all media outlets (including individual social media profiles) we are not interested in spreading such hate.  When stories of love have a larger reach than stories of hate, you will see more stories of love.  While it may seem that I am blaming the media, I am not.  They have a job to do and that is to produce the news that we the people want to see.  When we click, read, and share their stories, we are telling them we want to see stories like this.  I am blaming we the people.  We are going to have to stop engaging in hateful words when we see a Pastor fall.  I have news for you!  A pastor is human and aren’t we glad our failures aren’t shared as Breaking News?!  I know I am because I am human just like a Pastor is.  The bottom line is that we must stop sharing hate and start sharing love, and we must hold each other accountable for sharing hate.  Hate is easy, and love is hard.  For this I will say #NeverQuitTheFight .  Start today by sharing a little of God’s love and a little less of Satan’s hate.

Do you realize how much God loves you?  Do you realize that God allowed his only Son to die a brutal death so that you can enjoy life in heaven?  Knowing that God loves us so much, should we not find a way to share his love with others?

Father God, I am sorry when I share hate instead of love.  I am sorry when I fail to provide the same love and forgiveness you provide me.  Please forgive me and be with me as I share more of your love and none of Satan’s hate.