Sunday, July 10, 2016

Less Hate; More Love

I have found myself very concerned with the events of the past week across our Nation and I felt led to write a new blog post.  It has been a long time since I have posted anything.  Life is busy and life often distracts us from what is really important.  Today, I want to talk about the most epic threat to our community; hate.

The earliest example of hate is found in Genesis Chapter 4 BibleGateway Genesis Chapter 4 where we read about Cain and Abel.  Cain and Abel where the sons of Adam and Eve; both having jobs supporting the family.  Cain worked the gardens while Abel worked the flocks.  As the Bible tells us, Cain became jealous (a form of hate) of Abel because Abel found favor with the Lord.  Now some would read this and think that God was biased and that he may have like Abel more than he did Cain, at no fault of Cain’s.  At first glance, you may find that both Cain and Abel’s offerings to God were equal.  However, if you study the text in greater depth, you find that Cain’s Offering was out of obligation, and not of honor, or respect to the Lord.  Abel’s Offering was the best he had to offer to the Lord to which the Lord looked upon with “favor”.  There are countless passages throughout the Bible demonstrating such acts where people gave very little, on the service.  However, when you look a little deeper, you find that offering was substantial in that it was all the person had, or that it was of a greater sacrifice by the giver.  “What are you getting at Matthew?”

I’ve often posted that I would love to have been able to sit down with great men of God such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and Dwight L. Moody to simply bask in their relationship with Christ.  The sole purpose in the hearts of these two men were to share the love of Christ with as many people they could.  Yes, Dr. King’s platform was as a civil rights activist, but at his foundation was his love of Christ.  Think about it!  How can you argue equality and ignore love?  The truth is, you cannot and Dr. King understood that.  Unlike Dr. King, D.L. Moody is relatively unknown to many, but he is responsible for leading a young shoe store salesman to Christ who would lead others to Christ.  D.L. Moody’s witness, through these people, would ultimately see Dr. Billy Graham to Christ through Dr. Mordecai Ham.  There is no telling how many people were led to Christ through Billy Graham’s preaching and there is not telling how many people witnessed that same love through Dr. King.  You see, both of these men understood the love of God and that his love was not restricted to a color of skin.  They both understood that Christ came to give us life, and life more abundantly (John 10:10).  By the way, if you study the New Testament, you will find one of the greatest examples of racism ever found; the Jews and the Gentiles.  The Jews did not believe the Gentiles were worthy of God’s salvation and in fact, it was illegal for a Jew to even talk to a Gentile.  There are many references to this racism throughout the New Testament and I could write several posts about this, but the message of Christ was that God loves us all.

Over the last decade, we can see a significant exodus away from the teachings of Christ to various other things, religions, and yes, hate.  Our very foundation as a Nation is one of rebellion which has no choice but to be ingrained who we are as a people.  Some would argue this rebellion breeds the attitude of, “you can’t tell me what to do” and I tend to believe that it does.  However, when we choose to be rebellious, our actions can have disastrous consequences.  Look at 1 Samuel and the story of David and Bathsheba where you will find an excellent example of what I’m talking about.  In my opinion, hate is nothing more than the absence of love and we are witnessing a mass exodus from love across our Nation.

This morning, I read about one of our local Churches experiencing change and losing their pastor.  What is striking to me is that this is front page news with all three of our major TV affiliates, newspapers, and social media alike.  When was the last time those same media outlets issued a Breaking News Alert to tell us about the number of salvations that have occurred at this Church, or to tell us about the hundreds of people who were baptized on a given Sunday?  So why is this breaking news?  Hate.  Most all media outlets (traditional and social) are looking for the highest possible ratings and reach (how many people see a post in social media) and will push stories to achieve higher ratings.  If you don’t believe me, just look at your news feeds on social media.  You will not have to search very far on social media to find hateful words from every side of the political spectrum and most disappointing is the hateful and hurtful words from other church people.  How in the world will people ever see the love of Christ when his own people are spreading hate?

There is hope, but it will be difficult.  There is a solution, but many of you will not be able to follow this solution.  The Bible is very clear in that we are to, “love thy neighbor as thyself”, second only to loving the Lord.  If you are going to love each other, then we are going to have to stop reading and sharing hateful posts.  So, stop reading and sharing their posts and tell all media outlets (including individual social media profiles) we are not interested in spreading such hate.  When stories of love have a larger reach than stories of hate, you will see more stories of love.  While it may seem that I am blaming the media, I am not.  They have a job to do and that is to produce the news that we the people want to see.  When we click, read, and share their stories, we are telling them we want to see stories like this.  I am blaming we the people.  We are going to have to stop engaging in hateful words when we see a Pastor fall.  I have news for you!  A pastor is human and aren’t we glad our failures aren’t shared as Breaking News?!  I know I am because I am human just like a Pastor is.  The bottom line is that we must stop sharing hate and start sharing love, and we must hold each other accountable for sharing hate.  Hate is easy, and love is hard.  For this I will say #NeverQuitTheFight .  Start today by sharing a little of God’s love and a little less of Satan’s hate.

Do you realize how much God loves you?  Do you realize that God allowed his only Son to die a brutal death so that you can enjoy life in heaven?  Knowing that God loves us so much, should we not find a way to share his love with others?

Father God, I am sorry when I share hate instead of love.  I am sorry when I fail to provide the same love and forgiveness you provide me.  Please forgive me and be with me as I share more of your love and none of Satan’s hate.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Can you Believe What that Preacher Said!?!?

I love Social Media.  In fact, many of you who are reading this blog are reading it because of Social Media.  I really enjoyed a recent viral post about Facebook privacy notices and witnessing just how fast that post spread.  Many people instantly shared the post without taking the time to see if the information in the post was real or not.  Why?  It must be true because my friend posted it.

Speaking of sharing things of Facebook, am I the only one that finds it interesting how many people are attacking Perry Noble and New Spring Church lately?  I mean there are constant posts, websites, and blogs attacking Perry and New Spring Church.  Don't get me wrong.  There is nothing wrong if churches like New Spring are not for you.  Personally, I find it encouraging that Perry is making such an effort to put the bible into terms that are easily understandable.  The people of my generation take for granted that we grew up in church and were taught the Bible.  The reality is that there are numerous people who do not understand the Bible outside of, "we've always done it that way" or because they were never taught the Bible.  Consider the Apostle Paul when he writes about sharing Christ to everybody in his letter to the Church of Corinth as he writes in 1 Corinthians 9:22-23;

19 Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

Paul did not grow up in church and did not associate with, "church people".  Rather he killed Christians as a sport (his name was Saul before God changed his life; see Acts 9:1-9).  But God changed his life and would you believe that it did not happen inside the walls of the traditional Church?  So Paul learned about the life of Christ and what it meant to follow the word of God.  Paul grew to become one of the wisest men of the Bible next to Solomon and is credited for authoring several books in the New Testament.  Why is this important?  Because Paul knew that when we are trying to reach people for Christ, that we need to speak to people in a way that they can understand.  How many times have you been to the doctor and had to ask them to speak in English?  If you have ever had a conversation with a lawyer you know exactly what I am talking about.

I read a post shared on Facebook recently that attempted to question Perry Noble for his attempt to share the 10 Commandments in a way that people could understand them.  The author of the article attempted to discredit Perry because Perry made the statement that the word, "Command" was not found in the Hebrew language (take a look at this website while you form an opinion ).  Personally, I could care less if a word does or does not translate in the Hebrew language because the fact is, there are many words in the bible that do not directly translate from the original writings.  Don't believe me?  Don't share my post and do your own research.  Perry was simply trying to share the Bible in a way that people could understand.  As a parent, we set rules for our children not to harm them, rather to protect them and to give them a better life.  Do you not think that God was trying to give us a better life by giving us the 10 Commandments?  I do and could write an entire blog on, "why" but I digress. 

The reality is that there have been thousands of lives changed by God through people like Perry Noble, the staff, and volunteers at New Spring.  Similar to New Spring, I attend 5 Point Church in Easley and have witnessed the public attacks on my pastor, Dean Herman.  I've heard it all from, "Dean drinks beer on stage!" to "They teach Calvinism (because of the name "5 Point"), and, "he talks about sex from the stage!"  And no, Dean does not drink beer on stage, we do not believe in Calvinism, and he does talk about what the Bible has to say about sex.  However, no one can dispute the life change we, like New Spring, see every week.  Why?  Because churches like New Spring and 5 Point have chosen to, "become all things to all people so that by all means I might save some."  Better yet, they have chose to follow the example of Christ as they follow something known as, "The Great Commission" (Matt 28:19-20) 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  

Combine the Great Commission with what Paul has to say about how to save people, and I think you will understand why these churches are successful at reaching people.

Finally, when you share things on Facebook that might not be true, remember that it is today's version of, "I heard..."  In other words, it is gossip a.k.a. sin.  I am guessing that the Devil isn't very happy about the life change taking place at New Spring so he's pulling out all the stops to attack them.  Before we attack a church because it may be different or hold different styles of worship, I would ask all of us (including myself) this simple question.  When was the last time I share the love of Christ with somebody?  

Father, forgive me when I mess up and when I fail to share you with others.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Cold Water Challenge

You know, it has been a very interesting few weeks around the upstate with a lot of successes, large operations, and a lot of heart ache.  As we celebrated the memories of so many fallen heroes this weekend, I watched a simple game take off with my brothers and sisters around the fire service.  I watched many of you raise money for your respective charities while having fun doing so.  But for many of us, this was not our first cold water challenge.  We participate in a cold water challenge multiple times every winter at structure fires.  We participate in a cold water challenge on every river rescue.  We participate in the cold water challenge every time we conduct an extrication in the rain.  And for those of us who were around to actually ride tailboard or open jump seat, you, like me, can remember hosing down our frozen gear inside the station to get it to thaw out after returning from a structure fire in below freezing temperatures.  I’m sure all of you could tell story after story, but the point I want to make here is that each of us made a conscious decision to serve others.  This weekend was no different at all as each of you took the challenge to yet again, serve others.
Many of us have come up around the Chief Brunacini’s and the Billy G’s (you should know who Billy G is) and have bathed in the leadership examples set by men like them.   But what examples are we setting for those that follow us?  Are we teaching the value of brotherhood to the young men who are following in our footsteps?  Are we teaching them to recognize how important relationships are and the feeling you get when you hear a friend’s voice on the radio and you know that friend is coming.  He is coming not because somebody dropped a set of tones; he’s coming because it is you and likewise, we go because it is our friend. 
Finally, are we telling stories?  When I was 20 years old as a rookie firefighter, my Captain had been with the department for 30 years.  Gerald “Fudd” Nicholson was one of the best, if not the best Captain I ever had the opportunity to serve under.  I enjoyed hearing him tell stories of, “The Old Timers” and the fires they had fought along with some of his famous sayings (that I’ll refrain from posting here).  He had been there, done that, and had the experience to prove it.  Every fire we fought, he was right there with me proving to me that everything was O.K.  and investing in me.  Fudd had a very positive influence on me and impacted the way I supervise 20 years later.  The question now should be asked, “What am I doing to impact leaders 20 years from now?”  What are you doing to impact leaders 20 years from now?  If you are reading this on Facebook, take a minute to look up the “Bring Back Brotherhood”  page and look at the post from May 14, 2014.  They provide us with a great example of brotherhood with great instructions to follow.  Make a difference!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Special Purpose

President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it."  As a supervisor, this is one of the hardest, if not the hardest thing in my professional career to do.  It is not because of my distrust in the people who work for me, rather it is my built-in nature to be in control.  Truth be known, I have the most wonderful people in the world to work with and am fortunate to supervise some of the smartest and most capable people in the world.  But my thoughts here are not for the working world, although they can apply to the work world.  Rather, I am thinking more about our lives as Christians.

Have you ever thought about why God chose you?  Why did he create you and what did he create you for?  If God designed us, created us for a purpose, and chose us for a purpose, he must believe we are, "the good men to do what he wants done...".  The question is, "Are we?"  Genesis 1:27 reads, "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."  From the very beginning, we know that God created us all and more importantly, he created us in the "his own image".  I think many times, we feel as though we are are of no value to anybody in the world and we may feel worthless.  I remember remodeling our master bedroom bathroom several years ago, and let me tell you, it took me FOREVER!  I had to gut the entire floor and one wall because of a water leak.  To this day, I walk into that bathroom and smile because I know how much work went into the finished product.  So if I took so much pride in creating a bathroom, how then must the Lord feel about us, his creation?  The book of Jeremiah tells us a little about how God feels about us in Chapter 1 verse 5 which reads, "
The word of the Lord came to me, saying,
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you,
    before you were born I set you apart;
    I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
“Alas, Sovereign Lord,” I said, “I do not know how to speak; I am too young.”
But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am too young.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,” declares the Lord."

So from what God spoke to Jeremiah, we now know that not only did God create us for a purpose, he knew us when he formed us in the womb.  In verse 8, God gives us some real encouragement when he says, "Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you."  He created us, called us to do something special, and reminds us that no matter what, he, "will rescue you"! 

My point here is that we are all created for a purpose by a God that loves you very much.  My challenge to each of you is that you will live out your lives to serve him and that others will see God through you and when in doubt, just do the right thing.  I want to leave you with a link to a YouTube video that demonstrates the power of sharing the love of Christ.

Saturday, March 8, 2014


It has been a long time since I have written a blog, in spite of the many requests from those of you that actually read my blog.  I think between school, work, life, and more, I have failed to take time to prayerfully consider a blog.  However, recent events have motivated me to spend some time reflecting on the week’s events.

Do you remember that kid in school that everybody picked on and made fun of and who really didn’t have any friends?  You know, the kid that never got invited to parties, never had a girlfriend, and sat by themselves or with the same one or two people at lunch?  Well, that kid was me.  Junior High and Senior High School was particularly tough for me as I was the kid that didn’t have many friends and often was the victim of what we now call bullying.  I can count on one hand, the number of people that were genuinely kind to me.  Not knowing any better, I just assumed it was part of life and made the best that I could of it.  I do not mind sharing with you that I have struggled with those  scars most of my life including my refusal to attend either of my class reunions.   However, this blog is not about me; it’s about somebody else.

Undoubtedly, many of you have read, watched, or heard about the recent passing of Laurie Lomax Patton.  In reading many of the posts on Facebook, it is obvious that she impacted so many lives in so many positive ways, including mine.  In High School, Laurie was a popular girl who hung around the other popular kids, but that is where the similarities of the popular kids stopped.  Laurie was genuinely kind to everybody no matter their social status, style, age, friends, or anything else.  As an adult, I did not have a lot of contact with Laurie directly, but because of her being, “kin folk”, my  Mom kept up with her.  It came as no surprise to hear that she had not changed a bit from her co-workers and students alike during her funeral today.  In fact, it is safe to say that Laurie was an inspiration to all she came in contact with, young and old.  With the loss of such a wonderful person, one might ask, “Why would God take such a wonderful person?”  This is not the first time I have faced this question as I had the same question when my good friend Ike Brissey passed away unexpectedly.  So, I thought I would share with you my thoughts on the matter.

The bible is very clear that all of us will die; sooner or later, we will die (Hebrews 9:27).  Good, bad, or indifferent, we will die.  Then why is it that we are so adversely impacted when somebody like Laurie unexpectedly passes?  I think we can compare it to news stories.  If you watch the news, the leading stories are almost always something extraordinary, or, “Breaking News”.  Think about it!  When was the last time a break-in at a home was the leading story on any news outlet or for that matter, any part of the news at all?  Unfortunately, these crimes do not make headline news because it has become the norm.  Likewise, when an average person passes, it impacts  the immediate family, but fails to make breaking news.  Laurie, like my good friend Ike, were the images of Matthew Chapter 5 in every aspect of their life.  They were extraordinary and their passing was like the breaking news stories on the evening news simply because they were extraordinary.  They put others above themselves and strived to make a difference in every person they came in contact with.  You see, they exemplified a life of Christ.  As a result, their loss is extremely difficult to deal with and understand.

So this should be our lesson.  If one person can have the impact that Laurie and Ike had, what kind of impact would 10 of us have?  What about 20, 50, 100, or better yet, all of us?  My challenge to each of you that have read to this point is to live a life worthy of such an epitaph (the stuff they write on your tombstone).  Live the life that encourages everybody you come in contact with and makes them want to be like you, or more importantly, like Christ.  In other words, would your death be, “Breaking News”?

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

It's Christmas!

Yes, I know that it has been a long time since I've written a blog.  To be honest, it takes a lot for me to come up with something intelligent to put down on paper (or screen).  Today is Christmas and I have been able to sit in my recliner while I watched all three kids open their gifts.  Many Americans will not understand why I feel blessed to be able to be home on Christmas morning, but many of you that read my blog will.

There are numerous verses throughout the bible that deal with public servants, but I will only share two.  The first is found in Matthew 5:9 which states, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."  Peacemakers are found in nearly every part of public service.  From the police officer, to the firefighter, the paramedic, the dispatcher, the soldier, the nurse, etc.  If you serve the public in some form or fashion, they you are considered a peacemaker.

The last is found in Isaiah 6:8 which reads, "And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”" In this day in time, every person who serves does so by their own choice; nobody is drafted anymore which makes serving a free choice.  Each of you have made a choice to sacrifice and place others above yourself!

What do these two verses have to do with anything?  Well, for the first 13 years of my career, I worked almost every holiday and can only remember one year where I had both Christmas eve and Christmas day off.  I was taught very early on (before the kids came along) to either come in early or work late for the guys that did have kids so they could enjoy spending Christmas morning with their children.  If you work 12 hours shifts, there are many occasions where you might have worked both Christmas eve and Christmas day.  Like every morning, I woke up and checked my phone for messages and pages from during the night to see what major event shave occurred during the night.  And like most days, there were a couple of structure fires and a fatal event.  Now, for those of you who don't have family that work in public service, imagine if you will, you are the dispatcher that took the frantic 911 call for help, the officer who responded to the violent event, the paramedic that attempted to save the life of your loved one, or the ER nurse or doctor that had to decide there was nothing more that could be done to save your loved one.  Now imagine going home to your family on Christmas morning after responding to such a violent call?  

Christmas can be very difficult on public servants for a variety of reasons, but the point of it is, that they sacrifice so much, so you can have a "silent night" and "peace on Earth".  So as you enjoy time with family and friends today, please take a moment to think about those men and women who serve you every day, as they spend their day away from family to keep you safe.

To all of my brothers and sisters, you guys ROCK!  Thank you for your willingness to serve and know that you are holding a special place in my heart for your sacrifice.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mixed Up

WARNING! This might be a long one and might just be opinionated.

I try very hard to keep my personal life and my professional life separated.  My reasons for this are fairly simple.  One, it is the policy of my employer that I do not post pictures, videos, or comments related to the employer on my personal social media sites.  I personally agree with my employer on this one as you never know what somebody might post.  Two, there are many people in the legal community that would love to get their hands on the things that some of us post on our personal sites, and then use them against us.  And finally, my 1st amendment right to free speech protects me, as an individual citizen, not an employee.  As an employee, I represent the employer; not myself.  I think too often, people forget that we represent somebody.

You see, we, as Christians, represent somebody higher than us. It's our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  So today, I am going to exercise my right to free speech and represent the opportunities given me throughout my life by my Lord.

I'm sure there is not a person in our Country that has not heard, read, or watched the news regarding the tragedy in Newtown, CT.  Words cannot describe the sadness and overwhelming feeling every parent in the US has for their own children after hearing of this horrific act.  My intent here today is not to rekindle those feelings in you, rather it is a call to action.  Many people question how such a horrific act can happen and I think there will be many fingers pointing the blame at somebody of something.  A tee shirt I saw recently summed it up best by reading, "Dear God, why did you allow such a tragedy to happen at school? Sincerely, Concerned Citizen.  Dear Concerned Citizen, I am not allowed in school. Love, God"  Before I go any farther, a little history lesson.

Our Country was founded on many of the beliefs of our forefathers.  One of those core beliefs was that of independence.  Do you realize that, in plain language, independence is another word for rebellion?  Independence is defined as, "not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself:"  So we as Americans, do not like to be told what to do.  Just look around at how dysfunctional our Country has become and see for yourself.  The mindset of many Americans today is that I will do what I want, when I want, and where I want.  And, when I screw everything up, I will blame the government and then demand them to bail me out.  

Many Americans, do not like to adhere to the notion, "it could happen here" and when faced with more strict safety and security measures, we cry foul and blame somebody else or make accusations of constitutional violations.  In the wake of attempted commercial airline bombings, there was an immediate outcry, sensationalized by the media, to immediately cease and desist the, "unconstitutional" search of people boarding airplanes.  Oddly enough, some of the same people would cry that profiling is unconstitutional.  So if you cannot search people and you cannot profile, how then should you prevent terrorist acts?  Yet society continues to point the finger and blame events on anything that helps us escape discomfort.  This statement applies to so many concepts such as building homes in a flood plain, hurricane prone coastline, or on an earthquake fault.  The thought is, "In my 40 years, there has never been an earthquake in this area." or "What's the big deal? There hasn't been a major hurricane here since the 60's!"  Consequently, when our culture thinks of terrorism, the vast majority think of foreign, middle eastern males screaming some sort of gibberish just prior to attacking.  Unfortunately, that is simply a stereo-type.  The definition of terrorism is, according to the FBI, “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” and it does not stop with foreign terrorism.  It includes domestic terrorism (home grown) that is alive and well today.   Fortunately, our Country has been blessed in the lack of attacks when compared to other countries.  Israel, for example, lives with the constant fear of missile attacks, suicide bomber attacks, and car bombs just to name a few.  If you watched any of the news coverage from the recent conflict between Gaza and Israel, you would have seen the blast proof doors and windows at the drug store, people seeking cover under buildings and covered walkways, and more.  Terrorism is a way of life for many places in our world today.

It saddens me when things such as terrorism, gun control, and other emotional hotbeds become the center of politics.  In the recent presidential campaign, much of the debate was over the response to the attack on the US Consulate in Bin Ghazi.  The reality is that neither candidate really cared about the attack other than to increase their desire to point fingers and blame the other candidate.  And we see this everyday in federal, state, and local politics in some form or another.  The grandstanding by politicians that will follow in the days to come will be sickening.  The majority of our culture wants to blame somebody else for our problems.  After all, it couldn't possibly be our fault.  "We need to ban all guns!", "We need to spend more funds on rehabilitation.", and on and on.  At some point, we as a Country, are going to have to answer for our lack of responsibility in teaching the next generation how to have respect and concern for our brothers and sisters.  Instead, we are teaching the next generation to blame somebody else for our problems, to ignore what might happen so it will not happen here, and then require the government to bail us out when we do things we know better than doing.  It is not the government's responsibility to prepare you and your families for emergencies; it is ours!  My first priority is to my family then to my job and I would personally prefer that the government do their job to provide the core basic functions of government.

There are many institutions that choose to ignore the possibility of such a horrific event Newtown experienced out of political concerns.  "If we plan for an active shooter, then the parents will think that their kids aren't safe; we have to admit that it could happen here."  We can't require secure entry to our schools, because parents will get mad when it takes so long to get in."  "We can't arm our teachers because you don't want guns blazing in a school!"  So in the case of Newtown, you have a lone individual that committed potentially a series of illegal acts upon 600+ defenseless law abiding citizens with a total disregard of any laws or regulations.  Now, the outcry for more laws to prevent the next attack from somebody without regard for laws will be loud and clear and will be sensationalized by the media.  How do you regulate somebody who cares nothing for regulations?  You cannot.  There are many people in our culture that refuse to deal with such events, but there was a guy by the name of Louie Pasteur who is credited with the statement, "Chance favors only the prepared mind."  We MUST plan and prepare!  We must!  You can no longer say, "That will not happen here" as the population of Fairfield County CT (the county where Newtown resides) is just over 27,560 according to the 2010 census.  That is just about as small town as it gets.  What are you doing to plan and prepare?  Are you willing to accept safety and security over convenience?

My intent here is not a doomsday scenario or to scare you, rather it is to remind you to plan and prepare for emergencies of all types.  From installing a smoke detector (and changing batteries), to being mindful of your surroundings in a parking lot, to working with your schools to promote safer and more secure facilities.  Encourage your schools to make it more difficult to access the school and be glad when it takes you longer to get in to the school.  Be happy when you are asked to present your photo id when you arrive at a parent/teacher conference or when you pick up your children early.  Get to know your child's teacher and Principal and let them know you.  Visit your neighbors more often and learn who belongs and who does not.  Community groups are not a thing of the past rather they are a concept of protecting each other.  Do you know your local law enforcement?  Do you know where the local police department or Sheriff's Office is?  How about your local fire department?  Have you ever taken a CPR or first aid class?  These are all critical ways of thinking in an effort to become prepared.  If we will all take a small piece of responsibility and then teach our kids that same responsibility, I would not have to write such a blog as this.

If you have managed to read everything to this point, I want to say thank you.  Many of you who read my blog have dedicated your careers to protecting and serving total strangers.  To those of you that have read my blog and are now offended, tough.  These are tough times we live in and they will require tough decisions and sometimes offensive actions.  It offends me that there are people who refuse to prepare and instead of accepting the blame, and then point their finger at somebody else.  At some point, we as a culture are going to have to rise to the occasion, take the blame, and begin to make a change.  If you are offended by my comments above, let me put the icing on the cake for you.  If you want to see real change in our Country, spend more time on your knees in prayer.  Not to a shrine or statue, but to a real and living God.  The power of prayer is an amazing tool not to be underestimated or underused.  "Father, forgive me for not teaching responsibility to those around me."