Saturday, December 24, 2011

Hey Joseph! I'm pregnant!

Tonight is Christmas Eve and it is the time we celebrate Christ's birth.  Not to mention, it's the largest sales season for the retail market thanks to all of us for buying stuff.  But let's talk about the real reason for the season, and consider some things we often overlook.

Now the Bible tells us that an angel appeared to Mary and told her that she would become conceive and give birth to a son, whom she was to name, "Jesus".  Then, an angel appeared to Joseph, Mary's fiancee, to tell him that Mary had conceived and that they were to be married.  Now let's be serious for a minute.  Guys, can you imagine having your girlfriend tell you they were expecting and that the baby was going to be the Son of God?  Better yet, can you imagine telling all of your family and friends that your girlfriend was pregnant, but you swear the two of you haven't been doing the, "The Wild Thang"?  "Really, I swear, it's not my baby!"  Kind of give new meaning to the phrase, "My baby's mamma"

During Mary and Joseph's time, the reality is that Joseph could have denied Mary, accused her of having sex with another man, and Mary would have been stoned to death.  And Joseph, well he could have just found him another girl and moved on.  But we all know that's not what happened.  I think it's really easy for all of us to comfort ourselves and say that it was easier for them back then.  I submit that it was much harder and that the people that God chose to use, were people of extreme faith in him. I also think they faced serious persecution and the threat of persecution.  Let's face it, Mary knew she could've been stoned but trusted God to deliver her.

As you hang out with your family this year, let's consider the cost of why we celebrate and remember to honor God in a way that give him all of the credit!!  Merry Christmas!!

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