Saturday, June 9, 2012

"Yeah, whatever..."

The blog for today is one that I have struggled to write for a long time.  In fact, I had my beautiful wife, Traci, proof-read it prior to posting.  I hope that if you have spent any time at all around me you know that I love to talk about my family!  I really do!  And if you've spent any time at all around me, you've often heard me refer to, "my oldest", Cody.  Cody is 19 years old and is actually my step-son.  Many people have no idea that Cody is my step-son and make assumptions based on how I refer to him; this is by design.  You see, I've always felt that the term, "step-son" is somewhat demeaning.  It's almost like I'm saying, "you're here, but you are just not quite good enough" and that wasn't acceptable to me.  Not to mention, Cody's Dad is very much a part of Cody's life and loves him very much.  So, I decided to refer to Cody as, "my oldest".  It was a tough balance of making Cody feel a part of our home without creating the perception that I was trying to take the place of his Dad.  I wanted to make sure that Cody never felt as though he wasn't good enough for our home or me.  In my mind, this was one of the ways I could make sure he felt like he belonged.  After all, our home was as much his as it was any of ours.

What does this have to do with anything, right?  There have been countless times when I've attempted to guide Cody in an effort to prevent him from making the wrong decision.  I've tried to help him plan for his future and build a solid platform that he can build his life on.  But, there have been just as many occasions where Cody responded with, "yeah, whatever".  He would just blow me off and ignore anything I had to say.  I guess the truth of the matter is, I was just like him when I was 19 years old.  I thought my Mom and Dad only wanted to hold me back and keep me from living life.  The reality is that I wanted to live life the way I wanted to live it, and I didn't want anybody telling me any different.  I wanted all the glory and none of the responsibility of being an adult.

You know what's funny?  I think God the Father must feel the same way I do on a constant basis with us; with me.  He must shake his head at me on regular occasions.  I can imagine the Lord thinking to himself, "I really wish he would just listen to me.."  I should listen to our Father and here is why. His word provides insight into just how much he loves us.  If we take a look at 1 John 3:1 (I like the New Living Translation for this one) which reads, "See how very much our Father loves us, for he calls us his children, and that is what we are!"  You see, God loves us so much more than we could ever imagine!  He calls us his children!  And, just like with my Mom and Dad, we see that God knows what is best.  Take a look at Jeremiah 29:11 which reads, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  The Bible is very plain in that God does not want harm to come to us; he doesn't want us to make sinful choices that will cause harm for us.  And like I did at 19, like Cody must feel at 19, and like we as adults feel now, we MUST know better than our Lord what is best for our lives.  In other words, we look away from God and say, "Yeah, whatever."  I hate to remind all of us, but ignoring God is, "sin".  God did so much more for us than just worrying about perceptions of the feeling of belonging.  He gave up his son's life for us.  He loves us SO MUCH that he plainly calls us, "His children".  WOW!!!  Did you catch that?  He doesn't call us his "adopted" or "step" or whatever, he calls us His children.

Lord, I am SO sorry when I ignore your words and your wisdom.  Please forgive me and help me to live by your example and leadership.  Please remind me to set the example for my family and friends and to honor you!

I hope all of you have a wonderful week.  And remember, "Step up, man up, and be more, "Courageous" all for the cause of Christ!"

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