Thursday, August 9, 2012


Well, I'm writing a new blog a little early.  I committed to fasting from TV and surfing the net for 30 days last Sunday night, and tonight is a tough night.  My favorite TV show in the whole world is on and I missed this episode when it aired; "Person of Interest".  I love that show because they are always looking out of the victim.  I mean, there have been episodes where people have been victims of some serious business yet the main characters almost always end up at the right spot at just the right time.

Well you know what?  Our Lord and Savior is in many ways, just like Person of Interest.  Have you ever thought about Jesus in that light?  Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about some sort of messed up Ricky Bobby idea of who, "Baby Jesus" is, but I am talking about how much God loves you.  Jeremiah 29:11 says it best where it reads, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  There are many other places in the bible where God expresses his love for us.  There is none more defining than the gospels where the story is told of Jesus' crucifixion and what Jesus went through for us.  Dr. Keith Maxwell wrote a very telling thesis on the medical point of view regarding Jesus' death.  You can read it at this link and I dare you to read it until the end.  It will open your eyes.  We take for granted how Jesus really suffered and all he ever did was love people.

After you read Dr. Maxwell's thesis, TV shows start to seem somewhat less important.  Truth be told, I'm enjoying fasting because just like tonight, when I wanted to give in, all I had to do was begin spending time with him and now I have the opportunity to share with you what he's placed on my heart.

Thank you Lord for loving me enough to die for me!  Thank you for giving me just a little insight to share with others and I ask you to change lives one reader at a time.  Remind me to consistently set the example and to always strive to love you more!

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