Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chicken Crap for the soul

When I was growing up, we had all kinds of animals, critters, and creatures ranging from horses to cats, birds and dogs, ducks and geese, and we even had a turkey that thought he was a dog.  I'm sure you are wondering what in the world can I be up to with a title such as, "Chicken Crap for the soul" so let me explain.  We also had chickens and lots of them.  My dad had a whole mess of laying hens that would produce eggs out the tail (no pun intended, well yeah it was intended).  Dad had also built them a chicken house (hen house)where they spent most of the time.  And, like you might imagine, they created a lot of crap.  Here is where things get interesting.

We also had a garden every single year.  I hated working the garden as a kid because it was a whole lot of work for food I really didn't care to eat.  Money was always tight around our house, so we didn't waste a whole lot; including the chicken crap.  My Dad would shovel all that crap out of the hen house and spread it out on the garden spot year round.  Over and over again, he would shovel the crap and spread it out in the garden.  For you city folks, that chicken crap was used for fertilizer which helped produce some amazing gardens and we didn't even need to go to the all natural store to buy it.  It's odd to think that something like crap could be so useful isnt' it?  I mean, it's chicken crap right?!

I think the same concept can be related to our lives every day.  So many times in life, we've either found ourselves in a hen house full of chicken crap, had the misfortune of shoveling a load of crap, or maybe even had to be the one to spread the crap.  For sake of discussion, we'll call these things, "Crap Jobs".  The real question surrounding all this crap is, "What is our intention?"  Often times, God asks us to do things we think are crap jobs but God knows what the end result will be.  Just as with our gardens, the crap is an absolute essential to having a healthy life and whether I liked it or not, it put a lot of good food on the table.  Instead of spending time thinking about all the crap we're dealing with, maybe we should take a step back and see what God is doing with all that crap!

God never promised us life would be easy but God is infamous for making something special out of nothing.  He turned water into wine, made paraplegics walk, blind people see, and on and on.  It amazes me every single day that God blesses and loves me the way he does. 

So, when you find yourself being crapped on, shoveling crap, or spreading crap, just remember that if applied correctly, all that crap can be used to yield some amazing results.  The crap your cussing God over, may just be fertilizer, or "Chicken Crap for the soul".

Have a great week!

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