Sunday, October 10, 2010

Church: What's in it for Me?

Hello everybody, and welcome to my first attempt at a blog.  Sometime back, a great friend and colleague, Adam Zenoni and I were discussing various religious topics.  We discussed how great it would be to write a book and title it, "Christianity For Dummies".  Since that time, I have been unsuccessful in my attempts, but then it occurred to me that something was horribly wrong.  I realized that Spiritually, I was very sick.  I had been so consumed in, "We've always done it that way" that I could not see what the Lord is trying to tell me.

If you're reading this blog, it is my hope that you will already have a relationship with Jesus Christ.  If you are miserable when you attend church, you feel like something is missing, or you are simply questioning where God is, then this blog is for you.  I'm not a PhD, I don't have a degree in theology, nor have I been around the world presenting the gospel.  My late grandfather, Lake Chapman, believed that ministry was in most cases unsuccessful within the walls of the church.  He was widely respected in the community for his ministry outside the walls of the Church yet he couldn't even read the bible he knew so much about.  So, sit back and know that it is my prayer that you will be blessed by what God has taught me in the last two and half years.

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