Sunday, January 8, 2012

Stress you say?

Today, "stress" has been on my mind.  I generally deal with stress fairly well, but occasionally, I get to the point where I feel like throwing my hands up, shaking my head, saying out loud, "What's the use?"  Stress for me comes in many shapes, colors, people, things, emotions, places, and others; many of which I have no direct control over.  If you're like me, once you start to get stressed, it's next to impossible to get de-stressed without a good nights rest or other significant events to take my mind off of things. 

But seriously, how many of you feel over-whelmed right now?  There are so many things in our culture that induce stress that it would be impossible to list them in one blog.  Some of the things that stress us are somewhat self induced.  We feel such a need to have, "stuff" that we dig one huge debt hole buying stuff we don't "need".  We make horrible life choices in the interest of "me" and "I", then wonder why things are so screwed up.  Oh, did I mention that our best self chosen course of action is to blame somebody else for our bad decisions then expect the government to bail us out? 

Yet, there are those people in our culture that have been dealt a bad hand and forced to deal with it.  Maybe you're one of those that have been laid off after 20+ years of loyalty looking for work?  Maybe you're a single parent with such a burden to simply put food on the table?  Maybe you're reading this and find yourself in the middle of a divorce?  Maybe, you feel as though your life just isn't worth anything to anybody because you can't seem to get things right?  Let me assure you that our Lord and friend Jesus wants nothing more to help you, if you'll let him.  So, what does the bible say about stress?

Now, I'm not going to bore you with the part of the bible where Jesus talks about the birds of the air not having to worry, rather I'm going to tell you about the love and healing power of Christ.  Take a look at Matthew 11:28 . Jesus offers some serious encouragement to us here when he says, "Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy laiden, for I will give you rest."  WOW! Did you read that?!  There are no stipulations, no contracts to sign, no requirements to be a certain weight, look, hair style, or drive a certain type of car!  He loves us enough to pick us up when we are weak.  He loves us enough to give us rest when we have no more to give.  Again, I like The Message translation and it reads, "Are you tire? Worn out? Burned out on religion?  Come to me.  Get away with me and you'll recover your life.  I'll show you how to take a real rest."  Man, what a God to serve!  The trick is learning to let go and let God take over for us.  It's not easy and many times we will fail, but we MUST try to let God lead every part of our life.

If you are reading this right now and feel overwhelmed and burdened, please take a moment to tell God about it.  You don't need to pray a fancy prayer with a bunch of "Our Father's" or "Lord God's", rather just talk to our Lord as if you were talking to me.  "Lord, I am completely done.  I have nothing left to give and I don't have the energy to take.  I want to give up.  I need help and I need your love.  I cannot go any farther without you.  Please take my burden and my stress and help me learn to leave it with you. I love you Lord!"

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