Friday, January 13, 2012

"You're not alone"

Nope, I'm not talking about aliens, ghosts, or the voices inside your head.  I'm talking about things much deeper than any of those things.

Today, as I write my blog, my heart is heavy for some friends and family.  There is so much pain, worry, lack of energy, and just down-right loneliness.  I mean, let's face it.  There are so many times we feel so alone in this world.  There are so many factors that can drive us to this feeling and force us into believing the lie that, "I am alone".  Well, from the very beginning, you're not alone.  In Genesis 2:18, God said, "It is not good that man should be alone" so what happened next?  He created Adam his very own hottie!!  Ok, I'll be serious.  God did create Eve because he saw that Adam was alone.  Of course, he knew that Adam was alone because he built Adam to desire a relationship.  Now, you may be reading this blog and feel alone in a dating or marital relationship, but what I want to really hit with this blog, is the feeling that we have no one to confide in and the sense of hopelessness that this feeling can bring.  The important thing to see here, is that God doesn't want you to feel this way; you were not created to be alone. He loves us SO much, and I fail to find words that can possibly express his love for us.  Do you find yourself feeling despair? Hopeless?

Life can dish out a heck of a hand so many times and there are so many factors that can cause us to feel alone.  Would you believe that one of the major causes of loneliness (in the Bible) is guilt?  Just read Genesis and some of David's Psalms.  David had everything going for him, and I mean EVERYTHING!  Read Psalms 3:1,2 " 1 LORD, how many are my foes!  How many rise up against me! 2 Many are saying of me,
   “God will not deliver him.” Can you hear David's loneliness?  Now remember, the people in the Bible weren't Super Heroes; they were just like you and me.  David was no different, yet he felt alone.  In the passage above, David was actually on the run from his own son, Absalom.  Now the Bible says that David was a man after God's on heart and that David, well he was special to God.  As David rose in power and stature, he fell victim to his own power and essentially went on the run.  Now, after God has blessed him with everything, he is now alone and filled with regret.  Can you imagine having everything and then wasting it all away?  David lost everything; his family, his kingdom, his wealth, and much more.

My encouragement to you today is that God loves you more than anything.  Even in David's time of trial, he writes this in Psalm 4:8, "In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe."  God the Father is listening to you and he hears your cry!  Wouldn't today be a great day to spend some time talking with him and sharing your heart with Christ?  No need for a fancy prayer, just tell him how you feel.  He wants to share your burden and pains.  Look at my previous blog where Jesus tells us how to rest.

I will leave you with a link to a YouTube video.  For those of you that follow me via RSS, search for the song, "Where Your Heart Belongs" by Mainstay.  It is a wonderful message that accurately describes this blog. 

Lord, I ask you to demonstrate your love to my friends as they read this blog.  Remind them they are not alone and that you do care for even the simplest of problems they face.  Remind them that you loved us enough to share your very own Son with us.  I love you Lord and I ask you help me be an encouragement to more people.

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